Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How It's Going

  • Baby should be around the size of a kumkwat this week. I've never even had a kumkwat.
  • I felt good this morning. I'm still working out in the morning, even when I feel really nauseous, and it helps a lot.
  • I had my second prenatal appointment today- this time it was an intake with the nurse. It felt so much better than last time. She was really down-to-earth and easy to talk to. 
  • In two weeks, I have a prenatal appointment with the  midwife who delivered both A and E.
  • At this point, I feel excited about the second trimester. I'm excited to tell the kids (probably after Christmas), and I'm excited to start feeling the baby move. And I'm definitely excited that there's hope that I won't be so tired and that I'll have a better appetite for a while. 
  • Lately I feel yuckiest first thing in the morning and in the evening. It's really starting to bum me out.
  • I'm so tired, and I hate how that takes away from the quality of the time I spend with the kids. I don't feel as present, patient, creative, or as close to them as usual, and I hate that. I think we'll be better off, actually, with more time out and less time at home. But, because I'm so tired, I want to be home. But then when I'm home, I don't get much done anyway, and I feel like I'm not patient with the kids. Bleck. 

1 comment:

  1. When we were there over the weekend, your face was as white as a sheet when I first saw you in the am. And even though I know you are very tired, I did not see anything that would make the kids think they are being shortchanged with your attention!
    What is the date of your appt with the midwife?
