Friday, November 2, 2012

Today was hard. Fridays in general have been hard: maybe because I'm so tired by the end of the week, or maybe because I have more time at home than other days (feeling like I want to get a lot done at home, but the lingering kitchen smells just make me feel yucky).

It's hard to wake up every day feeling like you have to fight and be strong to get through the day. Eating is hard. Sleeping is hard. But I need to do both a lot to feel okay.

I put the kids to bed early and watched a movie. That helped a little. And having Chris here for the weekend is really helpful. He's been picking up extra housework and has been really supportive and helpful. Phew! Weekend!


  1. We will be there next Friday when you wake up--hopefully that will help a little? What movie did you watch?

  2. Mom- Definitely that should help. I keep thinking about that and am really looking forward to your visit.
